Suppose you have the following two classes:
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.err.println( Foo.class.getName() );
System.err.println( "Testing, 1, 2, 3..." );
new Foo();
public class Foo {
static {
System.err.println( "Foo here." );
public Foo() {
System.err.println( "New Foo!" );
Without running this program, do you know what the output will be?
So I'll say that there was a Java Puzzler at J1 very similar to this one, so that gave me a hint. Note that I got it right! :)
Actually it depends. It should give different results between Java 5 and earlier VMs.
I thought this might be a trick question, but it isn't. I got it right. One just has to understand a little about class loading.
Thanks for the information Eugene. The answer does indeed depend upon whether you're using Java 5 or an earlier version of Java.
This explains why the behavior I saw yesterday (under Java 5) surprised me.
So, the quiz is now a two-parter: how does this code behave when run with Java 5 (or later, I presume) and how does it behave with earlier versions of Java?
Got me. I guessed the 1.4.2 (and earlier -- I hope) behavior.
Thanks for the heads up.
It gets more interesting as you consider the compiler/VM combinations: how will it behave when compiled with a Java 4 compiler but ran with a Java 5 VM?
Answer is
Foo here
New Foo!
is it correct?
The correct answer depends upon your Java version. For Java 5 and later:
Testing, 1, 2, 3...
Foo here.
New Foo!
This represents this order of execution:
1 name of class
2 print from 'main'
3 static class initializer
4 constructor
For 1.4.2 and earlier, the act of asking for the name of the class causes the class to be loaded and you get:
Foo here.
Testing, 1, 2, 3...
New Foo!
This represents this order of execution:
1 static class initializer
2 name of class
3 print from 'main'
4 constructor
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